Saturday, January 9, 2016

Attributes of Effective Communication

1. How to Engage Your Audience and Keep Them with You

2. 5 steps to find and engage your target audience

3. Marketing:

4. Ramit Sethi on Persuasion and Turning a Blog Into a Multi-Million-Dollar Business

5. YouTube Charisma On Command:
on Persuasion
How to become a better leader

If you're interested in other videos that cover the topic of influence, but in a more social context, check out Ricky Martin on the Voice:

5 Steps to Influence Like Barack Obama

Watch President Obama address deadly Oregon Shooting

1. Introduce the problem you have. What's getting done is not enough. Associate pain with the status quo.

2. Preemptively handling objections. Handling objections before people bring them up. 6-7 objections. 3/4 of the speech. If objections are not handled preemptively, people dig in into their positions expressing objections,

3. Convince of Consistency: The change you want to people to make is consistent with their beliefs. Make people to feel that it is a part of their identity. Give them implicit personal ownership of the change. Take pre-existing action and show how it's the beginning of the change he wants people to do.

4. Picture how things will be when the change is implemented. Give details (Obama skipped).

5. Ask for help. Because you can't make things yourself.

5.2. Eye contact secrets
The secret of Bill Clinton's Charisma

1. Let a person to feel that you are focused on him. When answering a question, 90-95% of time looking directly at a person.
A person would say that when he spoke with Bill Clinton, he felt like the only person in the room.
2. Narrow shape of eyes during eye contact - makes eye contact serious and intense.
3. Signal with your body language that you are about to leave. This way ending the eye contact doesn't seem sudden. 

5.3. How To Influence People With Your Word Choice

Steve Jobs' Leadership breakdown

1. Starts with the clear, achievable and persuasive vision. Core beleive: People with passion can change the world. Keep and re-iterate the vision. One step closer - the goal is there. It's not a mirage. 
Marketing message must be very simple, one sentence. 
Example: iPod - 1000 songs in  your pocket. First computer - Bicycle for the mind

2. Refocusing on the vision. Make people feel that everything is possible. Emotionally charged, High stakes metaphors fired people up (mortal enemy, war, survival, battles). Emotional engagement. People feel they need to win a battle.

3. Steve Jobs believed everything he was saying. It's in the choice of words. Certainty, not a possibility. Not we can, we will do this. To communicate certainty with the tone of your voice and micro-expressions you must be confident.

5.4. Bruce Lee's Insane Charisma

1. Charismatic person controls frame. In any question there is a frame. Charismatic person changes a frame of the questions to be more interesting, to allow people to connect etc. Takes opportunity to share his philosophy. Charismatic person values self expression over brevity.

2. Rejecting the form of the question. Expresses his beliefs.
Brake the frame if it conflicts with your feelings.

5.5. Be Instantly Magnetic
3 Jokes That Make People Instantly Like You

Ellen Degeneres' Tips To Making People Instantly Like You
Discover The 4 Emotions You Need To Make a Killer First Impression:

1. Ellen's jokes don't hurt anyone.
2. She makes herself the butt of her jokes comparing herself to other people. Classic self-deprecating humor.
3. The subtext of a joke is exactly the opposite of the text.
Poking fun. Context matters. People are not getting upset when the joke is about something temporary, common, not a core to their identity.

4. Gold standard of the joke - Ego boosters. People will immediately like you.

5.6. I am the greatest
Muhammad Ali's secret to insane confidence

5.7. The 5 Charismatic Habits Of The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)

5.8. Jennifer Lawrence Charisma Breakdown - Funny, Self-Deprecating Stories
Get the 4 emotions you need to make a great first impression every time:

5.9. Why Trump Will SMASH Hillary
Published on May 23, 2016

5.10. Donald Trump's Debates: 5 Mental Tricks You Didn't Notice
6. Scott Adams on persuasions

6.1. Dilbert Creator Scott Adams on Predicting Trump Winning in a Landslide
Published on Nov 7, 2016
6.2. Trump’s Tactics and Hillary’s Persuasion Game (Scott Adams Interview)
6.3. Scott Adams on The Persuasive Ways of Donald Trump (from Joe Rogan Experience #874)
Donald Trump’s speaking bears the stamp of Cialdini’s techniques, which Barack Obama is rumored to have used on his path to the White House and which Hillary Clinton might also be studying. (Asked by the Financial Times whether he was advising Clinton, Cialdini took a “longish pause” and answered, “It’s my policy not to speak about any campaign that’s ongoing. The emotions are too deep.”)

Other election predictions

Published on Jul 1, 2016

How Trump will win election, and beat Hillary bad. Going through the interactive electoral map.

I WAS RIGHT! This is the more accurate way to predict now - its better than polls because the pollsters are now paid for.

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