Sunday, June 19, 2016

DeepMind Research

Demis Hassabis
Research Homepage

by David Silver, Google DeepMind

by Max Jaderberg, DeepMind
Neural networks are the workhorse of many of the algorithms developed at DeepMind. For example, AlphaGo uses convolutional neural networks to evaluate board positions in the game of Go and DQN and Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms use neural networks to choose actions to play at super-human level on video games.

This post introduces some of our latest research in progressing the capabilities and training procedures of neural networks called Decoupled Neural Interfaces using Synthetic Gradients. This work gives us a way to allow neural networks to communicate, to learn to send messages between themselves, in a decoupled, scalable manner paving the way for multiple neural networks to communicate with each other or improving the long term temporal dependency of recurrent networks. This is achieved by using a model to approximate error gradients, rather than by computing error gradients explicitly with backpropagation. The rest of this post assumes some familiarity with neural networks and how to train them. If you’re new to this area we highly recommend Nando de Freitas lecture series on Youtube on deep learning and neural networks.
What Learning Systems do Intelligent Agents Need? Complementary Learning Systems Theory Updated
D Kumaran, D Hassabis, JL McClelland
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 20 (7), 512-534
Model-Free Episodic Control
C Blundell, B Uria, A Pritzel, Y Li, A Ruderman, JZ Leibo, J Rae, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.04460
Neural Mechanisms of Hierarchical Planning in a Virtual Subway Network
J Balaguer, H Spiers, D Hassabis, C Summerfield
Neuron 90 (4), 893-903
Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search
D Silver, A Huang, CJ Maddison, A Guez, L Sifre, G Van Den Driessche, ...
Nature 529 (7587), 484-489
Approximate Hubel-Wiesel Modules and the Data Structures of Neural Computation
JZ Leibo, J Cornebise, S Gómez, D Hassabis
arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.08457
Hippocampal place cells construct reward related sequences through unexplored space
HF Olafsdottir, C Barry, AB Saleem, D Hassabis, HJ Spiers
Elife 4, e06063
Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning
V Mnih, K Kavukcuoglu, D Silver, AA Rusu, J Veness, MG Bellemare, ...
Nature 518 (7540), 529-533
A goal direction signal in the human entorhinal/subicular region
MJ Chadwick, AEJ Jolly, DP Amos, D Hassabis, HJ Spiers
Current Biology 25 (1), 87-92
Foraging under competition: the neural basis of input-matching in humans
D Mobbs, D Hassabis, R Yu, C Chu, M Rushworth, E Boorman, ...
The Journal of Neuroscience 33 (23), 9866-9872
Imagine all the people: how the brain creates and uses personality models to predict behavior
D Hassabis, RN Spreng, AA Rusu, CA Robbins, RA Mar, DL Schacter
Cerebral Cortex, bht042
Detecting representations of recent and remote autobiographical memories in vmPFC and hippocampus
HM Bonnici, MJ Chadwick, A Lutti, D Hassabis, N Weiskopf, EA Maguire
The journal of neuroscience 32 (47), 16982-16991
The future of memory: remembering, imagining, and the brain
DL Schacter, DR Addis, D Hassabis, VC Martin, RN Spreng, KK Szpunar
Neuron 76 (4), 677-694
Multi-voxel pattern analysis in human hippocampal subfields
HB Bonnici, M Chadwick, D Kumaran, D Hassabis, N Weiskopf, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 290
Decoding representations of scenes in the medial temporal lobes
HM Bonnici, D Kumaran, MJ Chadwick, N Weiskopf, D Hassabis, ...
Hippocampus 22 (5), 1143-1153
Scene construction in amnesia: An fMRI study
SL Mullally, D Hassabis, EA Maguire
The Journal of Neuroscience 32 (16), 5646-5653
Is the brain a good model for machine intelligence?
R Brooks, D Hassabis, D Bray, A Shashua
Nature 482 (7386), 462-463
Decoding overlapping memories in the medial temporal lobes using high-resolution fMRI
MJ Chadwick, D Hassabis, EA Maguire
Learning & Memory 18 (12), 742-746
Role of the hippocampus in imagination and future thinking
EA Maguire, D Hassabis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (11), E39-E39
Imagining fictitious and future experiences: Evidence from developmental amnesia
EA Maguire, F Vargha-Khadem, D Hassabis
Neuropsychologia 48 (11), 3187-3192
Differential engagement of brain regions within a ‘core’network during scene construction
JJ Summerfield, D Hassabis, EA Maguire
Neuropsychologia 48 (5), 1501-1509

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Voice First Dynamic Architecture and Context Retention

Voice First Dynamic Architecture and Context Retention

1. Viv
offers from Facebook and Google
Voice Personal Assistant, Voice Commerce, Voice First, Voice Conversation

(65 Labs) patent 2015
Marcello Bastea-Forte, et al
Dynamically evolving cognitive architecture system based on third-party developers US 20140380263 A1
second generation of Siri website: "Viv is an artificial intelligence platform that enables developers to distribute their products through an intelligent, conversational interface. It’s the simplest way for the world to interact with devices, services and things everywhere. Viv is taught by the world, knows more than it is taught, and learns every day."

2. VocalIQ
bought by Apple

VocalIQ, which was spun out of the University of Cambridge’s Dialogue Systems Group, uses deep learning to improve language recognition, with a focus on trying to understand the context in which commands are given.

The company is led by chief executive Blaise Thomson, a South Africa-born mathematician, and chairman Steve Young, a professor of Information Engineering at Cambridge. It raised £750,000 in seed funding last year, led by Amadeus Capital Partners, the venture capital firm.

VocalIQ was formed in March 2011 to exploit technology developed by the Spoken Dialogue Systems Group at University of Cambridge, UK. Still based in Cambridge, the company builds a platform for voice interfaces, making it easy for everybody to voice enable their devices and apps. Example application areas include smartphones, robots, cars, call-centres, and games.

company website -

investor -

VocalIQ was formed in March 2011 to exploit technology developed by the Spoken Dialogue Systems Group at University of Cambridge, UK. Still based in Cambridge, the company's has a B2B focus, helping other companies and developers build spoken language interfaces. Example application areas include smartphones, robots, cars, call-centres, and games.

More than a billion smart devices were shipped in 2013, with input interfaces that are difficult to use and voice interaction often available but seldom used. VocalIQ’s proprietary technology dramatically improves the performance of voice-based systems and simplifies the authoring process for new applications

The company provides a layer of middleware that sits between the speech recogniser and the application. This middleware implements machine learning algorithms which interpret and track the user’s intentions, and automatically determine the most appropriate response back to the user.

More detail can be found on the company's website

Based on award-winning research from the University of Cambridge, VocalIQ uses state-of-the art techniques for all its components. These technologies have been tested in various settings, showing significant increases in performance compared to traditional approaches typically used in industry. Specific benefits include increased success rates, shorter dialogs, and reduced development costs.
Semantic decoding: Before deciding how the system should respond, it is important to work out what the user meant by what they said. There are always many ways to express the same thing in a conversation. Deciphering this meaning is the task of the semantic decoder. VocalIQ has developed various machine learning approaches to learning the meaning of a sequence of words automatically, and it provides this technology as part of its products.

Dialog management: Deciding how to respond to each user input is the task of the dialog manager. By integrating everything that might have been said in the dialog, including possible errors, we have been able to show significant improvements in the decision making performance.

Language generation: System prompts and responses to questions are designed by the application developer using simple template rules. These are then conveyed to the user via a text-to-speech engine.

3. Amazon - 1000 people working on the next generation of Alexa

Brian Roemmele