Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Argentine Tango

Argentine Tango

Tango Element presents Chicho Frumboli & Juana Sepulveda Performing in NYC (Dance Manhattan) Jan 10, 2014. 3rd performance - Milonga Para Una Harmonica.

Mariano "Chicho" Frumboli e Juana Sepulveda, esibizione a Bologna, novembre 2018

Tango "Poema". Sergey Kurkatov and Yulia Tango "Poema". Sergey Kurkatov and Yulia Burenicheva with "Solo Tango Orquesta Tipica". 2016

Sergey Kurkatov & Ylia Burenicheva, 2-4, Russia, Moscow, milonga "Ideal"

Tango “Nido gaucho”. Sergey Kurkatov & Yulia Tango “Nido gaucho”. Sergey Kurkatov & Tango “Nido gaucho”. Sergey Kurkatov &Yulia Burenicheva. Ariel Ardit & "Solo Tango Orquesta".  2018

Beltango & Pablo Villarraza y Dana Frigoli - Milonga para un armonica 5th Belgrade Tango Festival, September 2008. Kolarac Hall, Belgrade SERBIA
Quinteto Beltango
Published on Jan 29, 2009


Vanessa Gauch

Tango Practice by Vanessa Gauch

Paradas-Pasadas & Embellishments - Do's & Don'ts - Mini Practice ( #59)

Paula Franciotti
Technique Women Tango


Paula Franciotti y Orlando Scarpelli - TANGO

You can tell this is ballerina dancing #ArgentineTango and see excellent communication between the partners

Artistic video made by videographer Alexander Prischepov http://www.prischepov.ru/ Dancers: Michael Nadtochi & Eleonora Kalganova

Dancing Argentine Tango The Tango Milonguero
Instructor Marie Claude Martin leads this tango tutorial, focusing on the Argentine and milonga variations of the passionate dance. Drawing heavily on African rhythms, milonga is the primary musical influence on the tango, which originated in Argentina toward the end of the 19th century. Breaking down the basic steps in an easy-to-follow manner, complete with slow motion and clear demonstrations, Marie turns novice students into tango masters.

Argentine Tango Flash mob Budapest 

Tango Mango

Tango class - Gustavo & Jesica Hornos

Monday, December 17, 2018

Grin Mimblewimble

MimbleWimble with Andrew Poelstra
Nov, 2016
Andrew Poelstra from Blockstream discussed MimbleWimble. "MimbleWimble is a blockchain design with no script support and blinded amounts. Like proverbial black holes, transaction outputs have no hair. This simplicity allows aggressive compaction and aggregation, resulting in a blockchain with much better scalability than any other design to date."

Mimblewimble and Scriptless Scripts | Andrew Poelstra (Blockstream) | RWC 2018
Mimblewimble Explained


Meetup #8 Blockchain Montréal: Mimblewimble/Grin


YouTube Grin channel



Company Pitches - Blockstream by Andrew Poelstra
ZKProof Standards
Published on Dec 10, 2018

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Beam Mimblewimble

Mimblewimble White Paper
[1] https://people.xiph.org/~greg/confidential_values.txt
[2] https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=279249.0
[3] https://cryptonote.org/whitepaper.pdf
[4] https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098.pdf
[5] https://download.wpsoftware.net/bitcoin/wizardry/horasyuanmouton-owas.pdf
[6] http://blockstream.com/sidechains.pdf
[7] http://fr.harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Sortilège_de_Langue_de_Plomb
[8] https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=281848.0

Beam Mimblewimble 
Mimblewimble Implementation
Scalable confidential cryptocurrency

Position Paper

BEAM is a next generation confidential cryptocurrency based on an elegant and innovative Mimblewimble protocol. Things that make BEAM special include: • Users have complete control over privacy - a user decides which information will be available and to which parties, having complete control over his personal data in accordance to his will and applicable laws. • Confidentiality without penalty - in BEAM confidential transactions do not cause bloating of the blockchain, avoiding excessive computational overhead or penalty on performance or scalability while completely concealing the transaction value. • No trusted setup required. • Blocks are mined using Equihash Proof-of-Work algorithm. • Limited emission using periodic halving with total amount of coins ~250 million. • No addresses are stored in the blockchain - no information whatsoever about either the sender or the receiver of a transaction is stored in the blockchain. • Superior scalability through compact blockchain size - using the “cut-through” feature of Mimblewimble makes the BEAM blockchain orders of magnitude smaller than any other blockchain implementation. • BEAM supports many transaction types such as escrow transactions, time locked transactions, atomic swaps and more. • No premine. No ICO. Backed by a treasury, emitted from every block during the first five years • Implemented from scratch in C++ by a team of professional developers.

Beam: Scalable Confidential Cryptocurrency. A Mimblewimble implementation. GitHub

BEAM, Interview with Alex Romanov, The CTO of The New Mimblewimble Coin, Oct 2018

Beam Tel Aviv Meetup, Aug 2018

Tel Aviv Meetup - Beam - 8.8.18 - Alex Romanov (CTO) Presentation, Sep 2018

ZK0x02 - MimbleWimble implementation in BEAM - Vladislav Gelfer (Beam), Sep 2018

BlockchainUA. Anatol Sevostyan, Sep 2018

Zk0x02 - An intro to Zcash and zkSNARKs - Ariel Gabizon (Zcash), Sep 2018

Bitcoin Q&A: MimbleWimble and Dandelion, Andreas M. Antonopoulos

Sep 2018

What is the story behind MimbleWimble? What is Grin? What is a Dandelion transaction relay, as described in BIP156, and how does it improve the anonymity of the Bitcoin network? CLARIFICATION/ CORRECTION: At 1:14, I talk the origins of MimbleWimble. The PDF was submitted to the Bitcoin research IRC channel on August 2nd, 2016. The pseudonymous author used the name "Tom Elvis Jedusor," which is the French version of Voldemort's real name. I also say that the name "MimbleWimble" was referencing the name of a spell from Harry Potter, which is the Tongue-Tying Curse and prevents someone from speaking about (not "seeing") something: http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Ton... At 6:08, I was unable to list the names of the team members behind the Dandelion proposal. They are Giulia Fanti, Shaileshh Bojja Venkatakrishnan, Surya Bakshi, Bradley Denby, Shruti Bhargava, Andrew Miller and Pramod Viswanath (researchers at Carnegie Mellon, MIT, and the University of Illinois). Read the MimbleWimble paper here: https://scalingbitcoin.org/papers/mim... Andrew Poelstra's MimbleWimble presentation: https://youtu.be/aHTRlbCaUyM More information on BIP-156: https://github.com/gfanti/bips/blob/m... The BIP-156 pull request: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pu... NOTE: As usual, this video is intended as an educational resource on topics such as blockchain protocols (i.e. MimbleWimble) and not as an endorsement of specific implementations (e.g. Grin). These questions were part of the July and (late) August monthly live Patreon Q&A sessions, which took place on July 28th and September 1st 2018 respectively. If you want early-access to talks and a chance to participate in the monthly live Q&As with Andreas, become a patron: https://www.patreon.com/aantonop RELATED: Worse than Useless: Financial Surveillance - https://youtu.be/n4F-h4xuXMk Money as a System-of-Control - https://youtu.be/FyK4P7ZdOK8 The Stories We Tell About Money - https://youtu.be/ONvg9SbauMg Bitcoin: Privacy, Identity, Surveillance and Money - https://youtu.be/Vcvl5piGlYg ADISummit: Self-Sovereign Identity Panel - https://youtu.be/DZbyiJqKT8c How is fungibility tied to privacy? - https://youtu.be/VuI-8EwqIS8 Public keys versus addresses - https://youtu.be/8es3qQWkEiU Re-using addresses - https://youtu.be/4A3urPFkx8g Coin selection and privacy - https://youtu.be/3Ck683CQGAQ Airdrop coins and privacy implications - https://youtu.be/JHRnqJJ0rhc Wallet design and mass adoption - https://youtu.be/WbZX6BDZJHc How do I choose a wallet? - https://youtu.be/tN6b62sEpsY Using paper wallets - https://youtu.be/cKehFazo8Pw Exchanges, identity, and surveillance - https://youtu.be/TVFy8xXfxAA The price of losing privacy - https://youtu.be/2G8IgiLbT_4 Layered scaling and privacy - https://youtu.be/4w-bjUhpf_Q Lightning and onion routing - https://youtu.be/D-nKuInDq6g What is the roadmap? - https://youtu.be/5Eoj_sKyC90 SegWit and fork research - https://youtu.be/OorLoi01KEE MimbleWimble and Schnorr signatures - https://youtu.be/qloq75ekxv0 Schnorr signatures and the privacy roadmap - https://youtu.be/JeJzwZgxF50 Block capacity and embedded data - https://youtu.be/JXt0v54nojI Mixing services - https://youtu.be/rKoMvOH4zoY Borderless money - https://youtu.be/EZh1-ZqffOw

ZK0x02 - MimbleWimble implementation in BEAM - Vladislav Gelfer (Beam)
MimbleWimble is a very capable protocol, which, after being published by an anonymous cryptographer 2 years ago, drew a lot of attention. In this talk Vladislav discusses MimbleWimble in-depth, argue why it's a sane payment system and how capable it is, and what can be built on top of it. With all that said, to build a truly anonymous payment system there are many important design decisions, and challenges are yet to be solved. The Zero Knowledge Summit - ZK0x02 - happened in Berlin on Sept 5 2018 as part of Blockchain Week Berlin. This event was produced by the Zero Knowledge Podcast (zeroknowledge.fm) and focused on zero knowledge topics, latest zkSNARK applications and privacy. The full program could be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/... To keep in touch about the event and the podcast, please connect with us on twitter: https://twitter.com/zeroknowledgefm

episode of Inchained with Alexander Zaidelson, CEO of Beam. 
Beam https://www.beam.mw/

@ResearchCircle (@circlepay )

Project Lumini by BEAM and @elpinguinofrio is also fascinating. It connects BEAM to ETH and ETH-based tokens can be represented as confidential assets. 
This feature would be very interesting and beneficial because the current stablecoins don't have privacy.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Coda Consensus Protocol

Coda Consensus Protocol

Coda: Decentralized cryptocurrency at scale 
Izaak Meckler1 and Evan Shapiro
O(1) Labs May 10, 2018


 We present Coda, the first cryptocurrency protocol that remains decentralized at scale. “Scalability” refers to Coda’s ability to handle throughput of thousands of transactions per second. “Decentralization” refers to the accessibility of verifying the chain state and synchronizing as a new user. Synchronizing the chain state with Coda requires receiving less than a megabyte of data, allowing devices like smartphones to securely perform transactions independent of how long the protocol has been running or how many transactions have been performed. Transactions on Coda can also be verified independent of their complexity, allowing complex computations on its blockchain without burdening the network. Coda achieves these features without sacrificing either scaling or decentralization through the use of recursive composition of zk-SNARKs in a novel architecture that implements a decentralized ledger. The resulting consensus protocol is consistent and responsive as long as at most 1/2 of the mining power is malicious.

Coda is a new cryptocurrency protocol with a lightweight, constant sized blockchain.
Please see our developer README if you are interested in building coda from source code.
We have a Discord server! Please come by if you need help or have questions. You might also be interested in the OCaml Discord, for general OCaml help.


San Francisco Blockchain Week
Published on Nov 10, 2018

Coda is the first cryptocurrency protocol with a succinct blockchain. Coda compresses the entire blockchain into a tiny snapshot the size of a few tweets. So no matter how many transactions are performed, full-node security is accessible to everyone.
San Francisco Blockchain Week: https://sfblockchainweek.io/ 

Epicenter – Blockchain Podcast‏ @epicenterbtc Jul 16

Evan Shapiro @evanashapiro & Izaak Meckler @izmeckler from @o1_labs
company using #zkSNARK technology to construct a cryptocurrency blockchain Coda, aiming to solve the blockchain size scalability issue. https://epicenter.tv/episode/243/


Algorand, Silvio Micali

Algorand, Silvio Micali 

Algorand youtube channel
Founded by cryptography pioneer, Silvio Micali, Algorand is a first-of-its-kind transaction platform that solves the “blockchain trilemma” by offering the true decentralization, scalability and security for both developers and business applications.


Algorand community

Algorand, The Public Ledger - Silvio Micali
Institute for Advanced Study

A Celebration of Mathematics and Computer Science
Celebrating Avi Wigderson's 60th Birthday October 5 - 8, 2016

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Enterprise Ethereum Alliance - Enterprise Smart Contracts

Enterprise Ethereum Alliance


YouTube channel

EEA Enterprise Ethereum Architecture Stack
Scaling Consensus for Enterprise: Explaining the IBFT Algorithm

Extending Ethereum with Enterprise Smart Contracts

Azure Blockchain – Create and deploy multi-party applications with Workbench : Build 2018

Monday, October 22, 2018

Avalanche Consensus Protocol, Emin Gün Sirer

Avalanche Consensus Protocol, Emin Gün Sirer

Avalanche Consensus Protocol
Emin Gün Sirer – Building Crypto 3.0

From Snowflake to Avalanche - Emin Gün Sirer

Jackson Palmer

Published on Jul 22, 2018
In this video, we explore Avalanche - a new family of metastable consensus protocols that can be used for building cryptocurrencies.

Avalanche - a new family of metastable consensus protocols that can be used for building cryptocurrencies.

Avalanche White Paper
Snowflake to Avalanche: A Novel Metastable Consensus Protocol Family for Cryptocurrencies Team Rocket† t-rocket@protonmail.com Revision: 05/16/2018 
at @YouTube 
Emin Gün Sirer  @el33th4xor 

White paper
Snowflake to Avalanche: A Novel Metastable Consensus Protocol Family for Cryptocurrencies Team Rocket† t-rocket@protonmail.com Revision: 05/16/2018 21:51:26 UTC

CryptoConf: Snowflake to avalanche: A new family of consensus protocols
MoneyConf Published on Jun 22, 2018
Cornell professor Emin Gun Sirer will unveil, for the first time in Europe, a new family of consensus protocols that combines the best of Nakamoto consensus with the best of classical consensus. One of the earliest pioneers in the cryptocurrencies space explores where this journey might take us next.

Hashing It Out #23: Avalanche – Emin Gün Sirer

On this episode we have the brilliant Dr. Gün Sirer to whet our appetites for Avalanche, a new category of consensus protocol. He distinguishes Avalanche from Paxos/RAFT systems, blockchain, and traditional gossip networks to show how this new algorithm prevents double spends while allowing for high throughput (early tests supporting over 1200 tx/s). We learn about his new coin, Ava, which will test the limits of Avalanche’s public consensus on a global scale! The future is exciting!


Sunday, October 7, 2018


Remote design sprinting at Stack Overflow
Courtny Cotten
Senior Product Designer @StackOverflow
Sep 19 2018

I approach much of my design thinking in a similar manner as my coaching; prescribe appropriate frameworks to elicit a response, always look for opportunities of improvement, and be ready to adapt the toolkit to novel problems.

At Stack Overflow, I was tapped to lead our product team using design sprints to explore broad new concepts. We are specifically interested in helping developers grow by providing new ways for them to participate and connect on our platform.

Saturday, October 6, 2018



Blockchain jobs and salaries — 2018 report
Kirill Shilov



Armenia -Yerevan, Los Angeles

With the help of Blockchain technology and smart contracts we provide our clients with reliable, transparent peer-to-peer software that is disintermediated, automated and self-executed. We help to lower fraud, reduce arbitrations and enforcement costs.

We are a team of experts who help businesses to get deep and comprehensive knowledge of blockchain technology and its real-world use cases.

2015 - Ripple
2017 - API.market (Aikon)


zcash2.0 protocol

Sapling is a network upgrade that introduces significant efficiency improvements for shielded transactions that will pave the way for broad mobile, exchange and vendor adoption of Zcash shielded addresses.
Performance for shielded addresses
Payments involving the new Sapling z-addresses can be constructed in as little as a few seconds and with only 40 megabytes of memory.
Decoupled spend authority
Allows the hardware that constructs the zero-knowledge proof to be independent from the hardware that signs for the transaction.
Improved keys
Full viewing keys allow owners of shielded addresses the ability to view incoming and outgoing transaction details without exposing their private spending key.

Sapling Transaction Anatomy
Paige Peterson |
October 16, 2018

ZCash docs

Here is the rest documentation. 

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Blockchain Supply Chain Research, Startups and VCs

Supply chain management software (SCMS) is the software tools or modules used in executing supply chain transactions, managing supplier relationships and controlling associated business processes.

Supply Chain Management Software Rating


Toward an ontology‐driven blockchain design for supply‐chain provenance


Blockchain Supply Chain Startups on CrunchBase


Harvest Network

Supply Chain Optimization and Automation through Blockchain,
Harvest Network
Supply Chain Optimization and Automation through Blockchain,
Exeter, California, United States

Big Data, Blockchain, Supply Chain Management
Headquarters Regions
West Coast, Western US
Founded Date
Mar 1, 2018
Jordan Reyes
Operating Status
Number of Employees

Phone Number

IoT sensors


Harvest Network consists of smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain that build a mesh network for managing supply chain. Utilizing ERC-721 tokens for assets, now all participants of the supply chain can view and analyze the data of their supply chain. With hand-held devices like cellphones, IoT scanners, and printers installed at farms and processing facilities the entire process from start to finish is turned into data and economically stored on the blockchain.
IoT Sensors custom installed
With automated sensors built into the workflow of the facility, tracking has never been easier. Using the Harvest Network Web portal allows for streamlined data analytics over the entire process.
Created and deployed on our Smart Contract Platform
Assets are tracked with our IoT sensors from the very beginning of their lifecycle. As assets move between entities and processing facilities, our Smart Contract network manages and displays the whole history of the asset.
Consumer End Management
Harvest Network Smart Contract systems works with the web portal and consumer phone app, meaning now consumers can see the data on their product in store! Manage recalls with a touch of a button using our recall alert function. Track data on what products consumers like the most.
ERC-721 assets that can be fully customized
Assets are stored as ERC-721 Non-Fungible tokens, this means any data can be attached and securely stored to a single asset or a whole batch. Entire truckloads can be transferred between owners, or updated with pictures. All the data is customized to your needs while upholding GS1 and PTI standards.


Harvest Network provides traceability and complete data management via their unique Ethereum Smart Contract system. Utilizing the safest standards for production Harvest Network has a multi-level management system to track, update, display and analyze data on your products. All hosted on the Ethereum Blockchain.
Immutable ledger meets traceability
Using the Ethereum blockchain allows for all the data stored on the smart contract system to be accessed and viewed anywhere in the world, without fear of being hacked. Now customers in Japan can see where the California Orange was grown, how it was handled, what went into production, etc.
Stand alone or fully integrated
Harvest Network's systems are so robust they can be used as stand alone solutions for traceability on smaller production sites and farms, or fully integrated to work with the software already used in the largest production houses in the country.
Transparent data analytics
Allowing users and facilities to see the data that is relevant to them. Using the ethereum blockchain for premissioned views - the control is in the hands of the farmer.


Web Portal for GS1 Traceability and Data Analytics

Harvest Network's web portal is the perfect solution for easy integration into your current workflow. Custom integration at your facility means we can work with all systems that are already in place. Our easy web interface allows user managements to log in from anywhere in the world and access your data. Interacting with the Ethereum Blockchain has never been easier.

The LinkLab
The LinkLab is a unique supply chain consulting group founded to provide life science companies guidance.

The LinkLab
The LinkLab is a unique supply chain consulting group founded to provide life science companies guidance.
San Francisco, California, United States

Blockchain, Supply Chain Management
Headquarters Regions
San Francisco Bay Area, West Coast, Western US
Founded Date
Operating Status
Number of Employees

Company Type
For Profit



View on LinkedIn

View on Twitter
Contact Email

The LinkLab is a unique supply chain consulting group founded to provide life science companies guidance & support to meet world-wide serialization regulations. The LinkLab consultants draw upon their considerable expertise in technology, understanding of regulatory requirements, their in-depth knowledge of the LifeSciences industry and its supply chains, and their understanding of real-world business requirements to drive and deliver these complex programs. Their experience let's them see the gaps quickly, prioritize the essential from the nice-to-have, and their vision let's them frame solutions with business value in mind.

Dorae is a leading distributed ledger technology company for raw materials.
Palo Alto, California, United States
Blockchain, Supply Chain Management
Founded Date
Aba Schubert, Ricardo Santos Silva
Operating Status
Last Funding Type
Venture - Series Unknown
Number of Employees
View on LinkedInView on Twitter

DORÆ is honoured to have won the Supply Chain Transparency Hackathon sponsored by Volkswagen, Zalando, Adidas and N3xtcoder.
DORÆ is the blockchain-enabled global supply chain accountability system. Its implementation solves the problem of the lack of trust between distant links in global supply chains.

Block Aero Technologies

alert: Chinese Government connection
Investor and Advisor:
Toby Chan
Partner at Audacy VenturesCEO: Todd Siena
YouTube: Why does the aviation industry need blockchain technology?
Private Blockchain
Focus on UI
Specialized hardware for blockchain nodes

Block Aero Technologies is an aerospace blockchain start-up using artificial intelligence to automate aviation asset management processes
Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong
Aerospace, Artificial Intelligence, Asset Management, Blockchain, Supply Chain Management
Headquarters Regions
Asia-Pacific (APAC)
Founded Date
Sep 29, 2017
Todd Siena ShanghaiChinaOperating Status
Number of Employees
Also Known As
Block Aero
View on LinkedIn
Block Aero is an AI-powered platform to digitize the global aerospace supply-chain and create digital passports for each asset secured with blockchain technology. We solve the problems associated with the inefficient, fragmented, and paper-based approach to operating, managing, and trading aerospace assets.

May 3, 2018
Block Aero Technologies: Medium — Block Aero signs MoU with STATA, a Chinese government-backed technology accelerator 
May 2, 2018
Block Aero Technologies: Medium — Block Aero launches White Paper v0.9 at the Global Aerospace Summit

Todd Siena, a Shanghai-based aerospace professional, is a motivational leader, entrepreneur, and international deal-maker. Todd Siena comes from the leading edge of the millennial cohort with over a decade of experience executing on projects in commercial aerospace manufacturing, MRO, aftermarket, and finance. He is the Founder and CEO of Avia-Tek a successful trading and consulting company that counts multinationals, state-owned enterprises, airlines, and large financial institutions amongst its satisfied customers.
Siena, an Asian-born American, has lived in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida. He speaks Chinese and holds a Bachelor's Degree in Asian Studies and Entrepreneurship from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He was awarded the Stedman Award for Entrepreneurship and a fellowship with the Ewing Marrion Kauffman Foundation.
Siena's expertise is in his ability to bring together people and resources of different professional backgrounds to successfully complete international aerospace projects within multi-cultural environments. He recently founded Block Aero Technologies, a 'BaaS' software start-up utilizing artificial intelligence to revolutionize how we manage aircraft material.
Todd has spoken to leaders of the global aviation industry at the widely respected SpeedNews Aerospace Suppliers Conference, MRO Network Airline Maintenance & Engineering, Airport Cities, Aerotropolis Conference, and interviewed on TV productions by Discovery Channel and ICS Shanghai Media Group. For his professional achievements, he was recognized in 2015 as one of the Top 40 Under 40 Executives by McGraw Hill Financial – Aviation Week Science & Technology.


Software Developer
Block Aero Technologies
Dates Employed Jan 2018 – Present
Employment Duration 9 mos
Location Shanghai City, China

I worked on the the back-end API for BlockAero which uses a microservices architecture and was written in Bash and Python. The API takes an image or PDF as an input, and uses machine learning and neural networks for classification, and uses OCR and text parsing to return relevant data from the page.

I worked on:
- image processing in OpenCV
- optimising OCR output from Tesseract by adjusting parameters as well as image preprocessing techniques
- using machine learning to classify data
- creating/adjusting some of the microservices
- text parsing to extract relevant data from the page and to account for small errors in the OCR process

1. Jawana Shop
Building Canada’s First and Only Blockchain Supply Chain Management Platform.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Total Funding Amount
Agriculture, Cannabis
Operating Status
Funding Status
Last Funding Type

Jawana Shop’s supply chain management platform will ensure complete provenance of legal cannabis throughout the entire chain. JawanaShop is a Vancouver based company focused on the development of Canadas first and only “legal” online marijuana marketplace – developed with blockchain technologies.Jawanashop aims to provide Canadians with only the highest quality of marijuana related products with a level of transparency and security yet unseen in this fledgling new industry.


Nick Arora
Chief Strategy Officer at LINKCHAIN
Nick A. Arora is a Blockchain/ICO advisor, investor and executive entrepreneur with strong knowledge, experience and networks within distributed ledger technologies and the cryptoasset space. He is a founding member and Chief Strategy Officer of LINKCHAIN, a rapidly growing blockchain-based supply chain management company. He also serves as Chief Business Officer and Health Tech Lead at BlockRake, a premium end-to-end capital markets consulting firm. Additionally, Nick is Co-Host of Blockchain Health Care SF, the largest blockchain health meetup organization in Silicon Valley.

ChainLink Research'Team includes some of the worlds leading experts in Supply Chain Management, advanced business models, research methodologies – and diverse perspectives.

Next Edition of XChain2 will be held Dec. 3-4, 2018
XChain2 (May 2018) Post Show Report
Download Here

Why Blockchain is a Game Changer for Supply Chain Management Transparency

VC Investors
BootUp Ventures
68 Willow Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025