Sunday, January 21, 2018

Distributed Ledger Technology

DLT generations

1. Satoshi Nakamoto Blockchain
2. Ethereum
3. ----SkyLedger
4. HashGraph
5. Holochain

1500 Transactions per Second.

Ripple Tech Talk: Understanding Consensus (Mar 2015)

hundreds of thousands of transactions per second

600 trans/sec
(Leader/Randomization/Signature)-free Byzantine Consensus for Consortium Blockchains Tyler Crain† Vincent Gramoli†,‡ Mikel Larrea†,§ Michel Raynal?,

R3: Big Banks Consortium


Proof of Stake Vitalik Buterin Technion Cyber and Computer Security Summer School
Sept. 10 – 14, 2017 at Technion. The summer school theme was Decentralized
Published on Nov 16, 2017

DEVCON1: Understanding the Ethereum Blockchain Protocol - Vitalik Buterin
Ethereum in Depth: How is Ethereum Structured? - Connecting to Ethereum from your own app
What is Ethereum? [For Beginners]
Ethereum in Depth: Smart Contracts - Part 1: What is a Smart Contract .

Ethereum in Depth: Smart Contracts - Part 2: How to Create and Publish a Smart Contract

Ethereum Development Walkthrough (Part 1: Smart contracts)


ethereum wallet
In 0.3.6 the files are named Mist. Starting in 0.3.7 the files are named Ethereum-Wallet
mist .dmg includes wallet

decentralized social network
We believe that freedom of expression, access to information, and privacy are fundamental human rights that should be respected on the Internet as well as in real life. Through AKASHA, we want to demonstrate that it is possible to achieve this by enshrining basic human rights in code and approaching things differently.

It won’t happen overnight and we don’t have all the answers; it will take genius and hard work to get it right. But even if we don’t know everything from the start, we know something - basic human rights such as freedom of expression and privacy must be part of the solution(s). Otherwise, they’re not good solutions.

It’s not information that wants to be free – it’s us.


R3 – Corda Overview
Richard Brown
Chief Technology Officer, R3
What problem are we trying to solve with Corda?

HyperLedger IBM

SkyLedger – Next Generation Blockchain Distributed Ledger Tech?

SkyLedger - the Third Generation Blockchain PlatformSkyledger Is A Third Generation Blockchain Platform Invented By The Developers Of Bitcoin And Ethereum To Implement Satoshi’s Original Vision And Solve The Existing Problems With The Standard Blockchain Platforms.

solar bankers
Turkey, Dubai, China
Trading Solar Energy around the globe based on sky ledger, SolarCoint based blockchain

55: Dr. Carlo Maragliano CTO and Co-Founder at Solar Bankers


What is IOTA? How Tangle is better than Blockchain
Buy IOTA from Binance:

IOTA introduction by Dominik schiener @ 1st Dutch IOTA Meetup on oct 25th 2017

MAKERS Rooftop Talks Vol. 4 in cooperation with Dominik Schiener on IOTA & The Tangle

particl monero anonymous coins


Holochain vs Blockchain
Co-Founder Arthur Brock discusses the fundamental differences between Holochain and Blockchain.

The Difference Between Holochain and Hashgraph

Crypto Holochain Meetup
Published on Nov 22, 2017
My understanding of Bitcoin, Blockchain, Ethereum and Holochain. Gave this session at Elabor8 Lunch & Learn.

Why App Developers Love Holochain

We Use Coins


EOS Contracts

Introduction to Blockchain: Daniel Larimer at Virginia Tech
Published on Apr 15, 2018

The EOS.IO Testnet has arrived. Scalable decentralized applications can now be built and tested in a public environment.
The Most Powerful Infrastructure for Decentralized Applications

Daniel Larimer, CTO of
July 7th 2017

Questions for Blockchain daily News & answered by Daniel Larimer, CTO of are the differences between Ethereum platform and EOS platform?

The largest differences between Ethereum and EOS are:
1. Design philosophy: EOS provides a higher-level framework for application development so that developers don’t have to do everything. Users can rely upon standardized account and permission systems.

2. Consensus mechanism and overall blockchain governance approach: EOS will utilize delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPOS) consensus mechanism, whereas Ethereum uses Delegated Proof-of-Work.

3. Scalability: EOS will utilize parallel processing to scale horizontally allowing estimated 100K+ transactions per second, whereas Ethereum reaches 30 transactions per second.

4. Denial of Service Attacks: EOS should not be vulnerable to DOS attacks. The ownership of EOS tokens gives users a proportional stake in the network bandwidth, storage, and computing power. Whereas, Ethereum has finite bandwidth and computing power in the network where miners select high-fee transactions to add to the blockchain.

5. Fees: Unlike Ethereum, EOS runs on an ownership model, which will have zero transaction fees, there is no network development cost, except for the initial purchase of EOS tokens.

What are the benefits of EOS.IO?

EOS.IO is the first horizontally scalable blockchain platform with the native functionality similar to an operating system. EOS abstracts the complexities associated with cryptography, accounts, permissions, authentication, database, inter-application communication and scheduling.

The EOS operating system will revolutionize the way decentralized applications are built, deployed, and governed by massively reducing the development time and complexity. If you’ve built a website, you can launch a global scale decentralized business on EOS, with the look and feel of the applications today’s consumers are familiar with.

Can you tell me more about your ICO? Why did you choose that model?

We decided to distribute EOS Tokens over the course of a year by simulating mining and recovering the money currently wasted on electricity. This ensures the community had ample time to learn about the benefits of EOS software and participate in the token distribution if they wish. Also, having the token distribution take place over an elongated amount of time, reduces the fast-acting freenzy most short token sales create and sets a fair token price based on market demand.

How do you see the blockchain ecosystem 5 years from now?

In 5 years, I anticipate blockchain will have broken down the barriers of entry into the mainstream market and become more of a commonality. We believe EOS is a step in the right direct for this adoption and that EOS will be the platform of choice for decentralized application developers and the community of choice for participants of the decentralized economy.


Siraj Raval

More learning resources
Join us in the Wizards Slack channel:

Ethereum Explained (Buying tickets DAPP on Ethereum Blockchain)

A Guide to Building Your First Decentralized Application (Voting DAPP)

Database for the DAPP deployed on a blockchain

CAP Twelve Years Later: How the "Rules" Have Changed

CAP theorem
How can blockchain be used as a database to store data?
Currently decentralized blockchain applications have few options to store data. Decentralized storage options are:
  • Storing everything in blockchain itself
  • Peer to peer file system, such as IPFS
  • Decentralized cloud file storages, such as Storj, Sia, Ethereum Swarm, etc.
  • Distributed Databases, such as Apache Cassandra, Rethink DB, etc.
  • BigChainDB
  • Ties DB 
    1. Ties DB: The currently available options could be a good public database. The closest to the ideal are the noSql databases. The only thing they lack is byzantine fault tolerance. The Ties.Network Database: is a deep modification of the Cassandra database and offers a preferable solution: The TiesDB inherits the majority of features from the underlying noSQL databases and adds byzantine fault tolerance and incentives. With these features it can become a public database and enable feature-rich applications on Ethereum and other blockchains with smart contracts. The database is writable by any user. But the users are identified by their public key and all the requests are signed. Once created, record remembers its creator who becomes an owner of the record. After that the record can be modified only by the owner. Everyone can read all records, because the database is public. All the permissions are checked on request and replication. Additional permissions can be managed via a smart contract.
    2. Ties.DB is the answer to DApp storage
      A public, distributed and decentralized database with one common thread: trust. Enforced by integrated fault tolerance, incentive schemes and smart contracts.
    Key features of Ties.DB
    All Ethereum-based decentralized applications (DApps) need to store non-financial data and search through their documents. Ties.DB is the first public database for decentralized structured data storage and allows advanced search and documents modification.
    Graph shows data storage functionality for structured data
Intelligent Databases
Full Text Search DB
comparison of MongoDB and Cassandra

Cassandra and Mongodb. In fact Mongo has built in support for full text search as well. However, keeping in mind the time series nature of the data, it seems a key-value store (Cassandra) should be a better fit than a document oriented (Mongo). Also, keeping in mind the high write operation nature, it felt to me Cassandra is a better candidate. The last inference is simply based on a previous project that I had worked on, where we were prototyping a big data ingestion platform on Cassandra. So.. Cassandra!

Node.JS Backend Service for Ethereum Dapp — SoTP Part 3

The Ultimate Ethereum Dapp Tutorial (How to Build a Full Stack Decentralized Application Step-By-Step)
June 28, 2018 04:54
Hey everybody, it’s Gregory from Dapp University!


Tuesday, January 16, 2018


A New Approach to Consensus: Swirlds HashGraph
JULY 29, 2016

(Special thanks to Leemon Baird, creator of the Swirlds Hashgraph Consensus Algorithm)

How Hashgraph Works - Leemon Baird @ Thomson Reuters (2/21/2018)

The Future is not #Blockchain. It's #Hashgraph 

Hashgraph and the Future of Distributed Consensus | Internet for the 21st Century with Leemon Baird our first interview with Leemon Baird here:
Video from our Hashgraph event is located here:

Developing for Swirlds Hashgraph || Leemon Baird
Cloud Identity Summit 2016
Stock Market DAPP

Hashgraph vs Blockchain
They solve the double spending problem. So you can have
  • Sigital currencies,
  • Smart contracts,
    • Dapps,
  • DAOs
  • Markets
Key Characteristics of Swirlds Hashgraph
  • Consensus Ordering and fairness of transactions are the centerpiece of Swirlds.
Simply put, Swirlds seeks to fix the ordering problem found in the blockchain world today (due to different consensus methodologies that have trouble addressing this problem) by using Hashgraph Consensus and "gossip about gossip".
  • Hashgraph can achieve consensus with no Proof of Work.
    So it can be used as an open system (non-permissioned) using Proof of Stake, or it can be used as a permissioned system without POW or POS.  There's no mining. Any member can create a block (called an "event") at any time.It supports smart contract creation.Blocksize can be whatever size you want. When you create a block ("event"), you put in it any new transactions you want to create at that time, plus a few bytes of overhead. So the block ranges from a few bytes (for no transactions), to as big as you want it (for many transactions).  But since you're creating many blocks per second, there's no reason to make any particular block terribly big.The core hashgraph system is for distributed consensus of a set of transactions. So all nodes receive all data.  One can build a sharded, hierarchical system on top of that. But the core system is a replicated state machine. Data is  stored on each machine. But for the core system, the data is replicated.
Personally, I think if the claims are true. This could the the end of the blockchains praradigm. - requires full info

Hashgraph Resources, Videos
General Information
Swirlds, Inc
Attn: Leemon Baird
800 Southern Hills Ct
College Station TX 77845
United States


White Paper Hedera Hashgraph
Hedera: A Governing Council & Public Hashgraph Network The Trust Layer of the Internet
Hedera directly resolves the five fundamental obstacles to mainstream market adoption of public ledger technology: Performance, Security, Stability, Governance, and Regulatory Compliance. The hashgraph data structure and consensus algorithm provides a best-in-class, unmatched combination of performance and security. The Hedera platform and governance council will provide transparency, open innovation with platform stability, tools to enable opt-in KYC and AML, and global, cross-industry expertise to provide governance and decision making for a globally distributed network and cryptocurrency
Yaoqi Jia Head of Technology@Zilliqa; Decentralize the Web in a secure/scalable/incentivized/privacy-preserving manner.
Nov 8, 2017
Demystifying Hashgraph: Benefits and Challenges
Hedera Hashgraph – токеномика и дорожная карта
Вижницкий March 29, 2018

The Safety Net For Smart Contracts
Your toolkit for errors and disputes in smart contracts