Saturday, July 7, 2018

Smart Contracts - ICO, Coins, Tokens

EOS Contracts

Introduction to Blockchain: Daniel Larimer at Virginia Tech
Published on Apr 15, 2018

Codius Smart Contracts - ICO, Coins, Tokens

Codius: Smart Contracts Made From Containers
Stefan Thomas
Open-source developer and distributed systems advocate. Co-creator @Interledger. Founder @Coil.

Later in 2013, a young Bitcoin developer crashed on my couch for a couple of weeks while visiting San Francisco. In the afternoon, he would come to the Ripple office and join our discussions about smart contracts. His name was Vitalik Buterin. And these conversations led him to incorporate Ripple’s key/value data structure into Ethereum.

People often ask why we didn’t release our prototype, preempting Ethereum and potentially attracting developers to XRP instead. At the time, we underestimated the amount of interest there would be in smart contracts. Moreover, building this architecture seemed daunting — hats off to Vitalik and friends for attracting a community large enough and fervent enough to pull it off.

Early Ripple smart contract designs - no Interledger
Smart Oracles: A Simple, Powerful Approach to Smart Contracts
Stefan Thomas, Evan Schwartz —,-Powerful-Approach-to-Smart-Contracts

New Ripple smart contract designs using Interledger

2018 Crypto Valley Conference: Day 1 - Stefan Thomas - Ripple

Running a decentralized betting contract for the 2018 World Cup

Codius Smart Contracts Installation Walkthrough
Tech Tutorials | Tech & Reviews | Live Streams

Nicholas Scheetz‏ @XRP_Scheetz
Have a topic or isssue? Want me to cover it for you? Email me at


The Safety Net For Smart Contracts
Your toolkit for errors and disputes in smart contracts

Automated Smart Contract Security
Tyler J Kuhn
Some Additional Details About Hedera Hashgraph

We’ve received a great deal of feedback since we announced that Sagewise would work with Hedera Hashgraph. In response, we want to go into a little more detail here about the specifics of the collaboration and what it does and does not mean for Sagewise’s own roadmap. First of all, we want to reiterate how excited we are to be working with the Hedera Hashgraph team. They’re building an exciting platform and we look forward to being part of their exciting growth in the future.

We also want to address some questions and concerns that have been raised by the community. Most importantly, we want to emphasize that working with Hedera Hashgraph does not mean we are leaving Ethereum. We recognize both the technological advantages and the broad reach of the Ethereum blockchain — it’s one of the reasons we decided to build our platform on it in the first place. On the contrary, Hedera Hashgraph, for a number of reasons that we will outline, is completely compatible with our work on Ethereum. At the same time, it offers additional benefits that we believe will materially advance our efforts to build the industry’s leading smart contract dispute resolution system.

Mooly Sagiv, Certora Interactive Safety Verification via Counterexample Generalization Oded Padon, Kenneth McMillan, Aurojit Panda, Mooly Sagiv, Sharon Shoham. To appear PLDI 2016.
New Directions for Network Verification Aurojit Panda, Katerina Argyraki, Mooly Sagiv, Michael Schapira, Scott Shenker
Mooly Sagiv is a professor in the School of Computer Science at Tel-Aviv University and a visiting scholar at VMware Research Group. Sagiv is a recipient of the most prestigious European grant given by the European Research Council (Senior ERC). Eric Smith is a Senior Computer Scientist at Kestrel Institute where he co-leads Kestrel's Automated Program Transformations project, which is used in the ACL2 model of an Ethereum client that the Ethereum Foundation funded with $400k [1][2]. See below for talk abstracts and bios. This will be a great event; join us!

Professor Sagiv will speak on "Certora's exact and automatic formal verification of smart contracts"; his abstract follows. "The dream of trustless transactions on blockchains has only been partially achieved. One of the worst gaps is the need to trust code, especially smart contracts. True transparency cannot be achieved even by disclosing full source code, because subtle bugs and vulnerabilities in plain sight slip through careful inspection and testing. Breathtaking financial losses from exploited bugs in smart contracts, such as the DAO and Parity hacks, demonstrate this point. Bugs in smart contracts may be the most important limiting factor to mainstream adoption of blockchain technology."

"Certora aim to create a safe haven in a world of buggy, insecure, and malicious contracts by applying recent advances in formal verification research that enable automatic, exact analysis. Our goal is to prove that smart contracts satisfy critical logical properties, routinely and automatically, with no false error reports and no missed errors. Furthermore, we will enable continuous checking after contracts are deployed to provide up-to-the minute security, tracking new vulnerabilities and upgrades to contracts."

Shelly Grossman
School of Computer Science
Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences
Tel Aviv University
Online Detection of Effectively Callback Free Objects with Applications to Smart Contracts [pdf]
Shelly Grossman, Ittai Abraham, Guy Golan-Gueta, Yan Michalevsky, Noam Rinetzky, Mooly Sagiv, and Yoni Zohar.
POPL 2018: 45th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages. ©CC

Online Detection of Effectively Callback Free Objects with Applications to Smart Contracts [pdf]
Shelly Grossman, Ittai Abraham, Guy Golan-Gueta, Yan Michalevsky, Noam Rinetzky, Mooly Sagiv, and Yoni Zohar.
Technical Report, School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University, January 2018.

Oded Padon
Ivy: Safety Verification by Interactive Generalization (pdf) (tool) (artifact) (video)
Oded Padon, Kenneth McMillan, Aurojit Panda, Mooly Sagiv, Sharon Shoham. PLDI 2016.
Workshop in Verifying Distributed Algorithms (Spring 2017-2018)

Effectively Propositional Reasoning about Unbounded Paths In Itzhaky' Phd thesis, he showed how to harness existing SATsolvers for reasoning in a sound and complete way about deterministic paths...

IVY - smart contract verification
IVy is a research tool intended to allow interactive development of protocols and their proofs of correctness and to provide a platform for developing and experimenting with automated proof techniques. In particular, IVy provides interactive visualization of automated proofs, and supports a use model in which the human protocol designer and the automated tool interact to expose errors and prove correctness.

End to End ICO Platform

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