Gambit is an open-source collection of tools for doing computation in game theory. With Gambit, you can build, analyze, and explore game models.
Use Gambit's graphical interface to get intuition about simple games, or the command-line tools and Python scripting API to support your world-class research and practical applications.
Gambit is a set of software tools for doing computation on finite, noncooperative games. These comprise a graphical interface for interactively building and analyzing general games in extensive or strategy form; a number of command-line tools for computing Nash equilibria and other solution concepts in games; and, a set of file formats for storing and communicating games to external tools.;a=tree
Modelling behaviour
Game theory in practice
Computing: Software that models human behaviour can make forecasts, outfox rivals and transform negotiations
FOR a man who claims to lack expertise in the field, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, an academic at New York University, has made some impressively accurate political forecasts. In May 2010 he predicted that Egypt's president, Hosni Mubarak, would fall from power within a year. Nine months later Mr Mubarak fled Cairo amid massive street protests. In February 2008 Mr Bueno de Mesquita predicted that Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf, would leave office by the end of summer. He was gone before September. Five years before the death of Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini in 1989, Mr Bueno de Mesquita correctly named his successor, and, since then, has made hundreds of prescient forecasts as a consultant both to foreign governments and to America's State Department, Pentagon and intelligence agencies. What is the secret of his success? “I don't have insights—the game does,” he says.
Game theoretic software
Population Dynamics Toolbox
This toolbox for evolutionary game theory is implemented in Matlab and is designed to facilitate the implementation of any game with different evolutionary dynamics. Here is a PDF file with detailed documentation,
Game Theory Explorer
GTE is web-based software for the interactive creation and equilibrium analysis of games in extensive and strategic form.
Gambit is a library of game theory software and tools for the construction and analysis of finite extensive and strategic games.
by Jean-Pierre Langlois from San Francisco State University is a Windows application for creating and analyzing games.
Solve a Bimatrix Game
This algorithm by Rahul Savani enumerates all equilibria of a bimatrix game.
lrs home page
lrslib is a self-contained ANSI C implementation as a callable library of the reverse search algorithm for vertex enumeration/convex hull problems by David Avis.
Transferable utility game theory Matlab toolboxes maintained by the Santiago Game Theory Group.