Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Irene Rusman - Founder and Chief Scientist

AI Labs is specializing in advanced, semantically sophisticated NLP applications

1. What properties of a product people discuss and judge in product review.
  • what is the common theme across all reviews? (Topics extraction? )
  • the product is such and such (common description), it has such and such (most important and valuable properties)...
2. Credibility of publications
  • web postings
  • research papers
3. Sys log categorization
  • build and test logs
  • production run time logs
4. NLI - Natural Language Inference
Can recursive neural tensor networks learn logical reasoning?

5. Utilizing NLP to Detect Advanced Persistent Attack (APT) in DNS

6. Sentiment Analysis of a Stock Market.
three days after CALM Dow Jones industrial goes up

Stock Prediction Using Twitter Sentiment Analysis

7. Affective Computing - Emotion Analytics

multi-year collected libraries for deep learning of
facial muscles
targets: market research, advertising, entertainment, user experience design, and product testing

8. FinTech - bond markets analyzed by RNN, using drop-outs for better generalization and averaging models with various drop-outs.

field participants:

needs hosting on Amazon
needs to use AngularJS with ng-controller
needs to choose a server side for ML, heavy computation with REST API

Google Domains

Saturday, April 25, 2015


SCIgen - An Automatic CS Paper Generator


SCIgen is a program that generates random Computer Science research papers, including graphs, figures, and citations. It uses a hand-written context-free grammar to form all elements of the papers. Our aim here is to maximize amusement, rather than coherence.

One useful purpose for such a program is to auto-generate submissions to conferences that you suspect might have very low submission standards. A prime example, which you may recognize from spam in your inbox, is SCI/IIIS and its dozens of co-located conferences (check out the very broad conference description on the WMSCI 2005 website). There's also a list of known bogus conferences. Using SCIgen to generate submissions for conferences like this gives us pleasure to no end. In fact, one of our papers was accepted to SCI 2005! See Examples for more details.

We went to WMSCI 2005. Check out the talks and video. You can find more details in our blog.

Also, check out our 10th anniversary celebration project: SCIpher!

SCIpher - A Scholarly Message Encoder


SCIpher is a program that can hide text messages within seemingly innocuous scientific conference advertisements. It is based on the context-free grammar used in SCIgen, but instead of randomly piecing together sentences, it uses your input message to control the text it generates. Then, given SCIpher output, it can recover the original message by reverse-engineering the choices made at encoding-time.

One useful purpose for such a program is to communicate secret messages that don't look like secret messages. Encrypted emails, for example, might signal to snoopers that you are an interesting person who bears investigation. However, in our experience when you send out a Call for Papers (CFP) announcement, it's very unlikely that anyone will read it.

In addition, you can use these context-free CFPs to solicit submissions to your very own academic conference. If WMSCI could do it, why not you?


NLP News
Articles in category: Summarization

Automatic summarization

automatic summarization: extraction and abstraction.

SocialNLP 2015
The 3rd International Workshop on
Natural Language Processing for Social Media
In conjunction with WWW 2015 @ May 19, 2015, Florence, Italy.
In conjunction with NAACL 2015 @ Jun 05, 2015, Denver, Colorado, USA.

Auto summarizing news articles using Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Document Summarization
Modelling and Visualising and Summarising Documents with a Single Convolutional Neural Network

nlp – where to get News summarization corpus?

The Stanford NLP (Natural Language Processing) Group

Stanford Parser FAQ
Stanford Deterministic Coreference Resolution System. News | About | Download | Usage | Questions | Mailing lists | Release history. News. May 7, 2013: Recent …
BIST Parsers
(Yoav Goldberg)
Graph & Transition based dependency parsers using BiLSTM feature extractors

The techniques behind the parser are described in the paper Simple and Accurate Dependency Parsing Using Bidirectional LSTM Feature Representations.
Required software
Python 2.7 interpreter
PyCNN library

Noah’s ARK
Noah’s ARK is Noah Smith’s informal research group at the Language Technologies Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.
NLTK Book Ch . 2 – Natural Language Toolkit
1.1 Gutenberg CorpusNLTK includes a small selection of texts from the Project Gutenberg electronic text archive, which contains some 25,000 free electronic books …
Philip Resnik’s Home Page – University of Maryland …
Oh, and by the way, my name is not spelled PhilipResnick, Phillip Resnik, or Phillip Resnick, though this explicit disclaimer may help people who don’t know that …
natural language processing blog
my biased thoughts on the fields of natural language processing (NLP), computational linguistics (CL) and related topics (machine learning, math, …
Natural Language Processing (NLP): An Introduction
04-07-2011 · Introduction. This tutorial provides an overview of natural language processing (NLP) and lays a foundation for the JAMIA reader to better appreciate the …
1. Language Processing and Python – Natural Language Toolkit
1. Language Processing and Python. It is easy to get our hands on millions of words of text. What can we do with it, assuming we can write some simple programs?
Automatic summarization – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Automatic summarization is the process of reducing a text document with a computer program in order to create a summary that retains the most important points of the …
CICLing 2015 Conference: Computational Linguistics and …
16 th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics. April 14–20, 2015 • Cairo, Egypt. Co-located: 1 st International …
News summary app Clipped gets automated infographics as it readies API
Similar to the Summly app acquired by Yahoo last year, Clipped uses machine learning to scan an article and then summarize the most important parts.

Quickie: NLP Article Summarization01 JANUARY 2015

Very interesting gist posted here on computationally writing a summary of a news article. Discussion is here.

This is something I'd like to take a deeper look at later. Especially considering my brief NLP script that computed a Flesch–Kincaid score for some ebooks I had on hand.

where to get News summarization corpus?

 The Summbank 1.0
is available for a fee.

The 1st International Workshop on
Natural Language Processing for Informal Text
(NLPIT 2015)
In conjunction with The International Conference on Web Engineering
(ICWE 2015), June 23, 2015, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Toward Abstractive Summarization Using Semantic Representations
Fei Liu, Jeffrey Flanigan, Sam Thomson, Norman Sadeh and Noah A. Smith
Accepted by the Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL 2015)

Natural Language Processing at Google

Tutorial: The Logic of AMR: Practical, Unified, Graph-Based Sentence Semantics for NLP


Measuring an Artificial Intelligence System’s Performance on a Verbal IQ Test For Young Children*
Stellan Ohlsson1 , Robert H. Sloan2 , György Turán3 4, Aaron Urasky3

Affiliations and email: 1 Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607, 2 Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607, 3 Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607, (Turán), (Urasky). 4 MTA-SZTE Research Group on Artificial Intelligence, Szeged, Hungary.

We administered the Verbal IQ (VIQ) part of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI-III) to the ConceptNet 4 AI system. The test questions (e.g., “Why do we shake hands?”) were translated into ConceptNet 4 inputs using a combination of the simple natural language processing tools that come with ConceptNet together with short Python programs that we wrote. The question answering used a version of ConceptNet based on spectral methods. The ConceptNet system scored a WPPSI-III VIQ that is average for a four-year-old child, but below average for 5 to 7 year-olds. Large variations among subtests indicate potential areas of improvement. In particular, results were strongest for the Vocabulary and Similarities subtests, intermediate for the Information subtest, and lowest for the Comprehension and Word Reasoning subtests. Comprehension is the subtest most strongly associated with common sense. The large variations among subtests and ordinary common sense strongly suggest that the WPPSI-III VIQ results do not show that “ConceptNet has the verbal abilities a four-year-old.” Rather, children’s IQ tests offer one objective metric for the evaluation and comparison of AI systems. Also, this work continues previous research on Psychometric AI.

Gated-Attention Readers for Text Comprehension - June 5, 2016

Bhuwan Dhingra∗ Hanxiao Liu∗ William W. Cohen Ruslan Salakhutdinov School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University {bdhingra, hanxiaol, wcohen, rsalakhu}
In this paper we study the problem of answering cloze-style questions over short documents. We introduce a new attention mechanism which uses multiplicative interactions between the query embedding and intermediate states of a recurrent neural network reader. This enables the reader to build query-specific representations of tokens in the document which are further used for answer selection. Our model, the Gated-Attention Reader, outperforms all state-of-the-art models on several large-scale benchmark datasets for this task— the CNN & Daily Mail news stories and Children’s Book Test. We also provide a detailed analysis of the performance of our model and several baselines over a subset of questions manually annotated with certain linguistic features. The analysis sheds light on the strengths and weaknesses of several existing models.

Thursday, April 23, 2015



Christoph Rieche on Bloomberg, April 21, 2015
iwoca Ltd. is an online finance company based in London. The company provides working capital finance for small businesses trading in the UK, Poland and Spain. CEO Christoph Rieche and CTO James Dear founded iwoca in October 2011 and the company started trading in March 2012. In October 2012 iwoca announced that former PayPal MD Carl-Olav Scheible had joined the board as a Non-Executive Director.[1]
iwoca provides loans of up to £50,000 and assesses risk based on data taken directly from the eBay, Amazon, PayPal, Sage Pay, business bank account and other platforms.[2] This follows a similar model to that used by Kabbage in the United States. A monthly interest rate of 4% on a loan period of six months is typical.[3] After its first five months of trading iwoca announced that it had issued hundreds of loans.[4]

1 Acquisitions
Funding Received$320M in 2 Rounds from 6 Investors
Headquarters:San Francisco, CA
Description:Affirm, a financial technology services company, offers installment loans to consumers at the point of sale.

- See more at:

Are there any interest or fees associated with Affirm loans?

Affirm loans vary between 10% and 30% APR simple interest (0% APR is offered at select merchants). The corresponding finance charge is the only fee associated with an Affirm loan - we don’t charge late fees, service fees, prepayment fees, or any other hidden fees. We strive always to be more transparent and fair than any other form of financing.



SF Scala: Q&A with Nadav Samet, CTO of TrueAccord, by Alexy Khrabrov
Published on Jun 8, 2015
Nadav describes how TrueAccord disrupts debt industry with personalization built with Scala, using Google Protocol Buffers wrapped with ScalaPB.

TrueAccord CTO chats about being June's "Hottest Company" at PnP
Published on Jul 21, 2014
Plug and Play's Kristen Rodgers chats with TrueAccord's CTO, Nadav Samet about recently being named the "Hottest Company of the Month."
TrueAccord helps users take control of their finances by managing a consistent problem faced by many: managing late payments and unpaid bills. Their solution faces both the collection and debt man

Interview: Ohad Samet, CEO - TrueAccord
Published on Oct 2, 2014
Ohad Samet is truly a magician. He has one of the most interesting track records of anyone we've had on the show, he was an early employee at Fraud Sciences Corporation (started by a few israeli special forces) which was acquired by PayPal for $169 Million, worked at PayPal for a few years then started and sold his company, Analyzd to Klarna. Now he's looking for a third big win with his new company TrueAccord offering

ML, AI in FinTech
Sanjiv R. Das
Santa Clara University